The Governors District Alliance is pleased to announce...
an exciting initiative meant to bring new vitality and excitement to the heart of our community.
Grimes is a community filled with youth and vitality, but we’re also home to more history than one might realize. Founded in 1882 and named for Iowa’s third governor, Grimes boasts a downtown area that provides historic buildings and open spaces that are the perfect setting to build a community for the new century.
Explore this site to find out how you can get involved with this exciting new endeavor.
The thought behind the Governors District...
is to create a destination for ALL Iowans to come and celebrate the history of our Governors since Iowa became a state in 1846. There is nothing in the state of Iowa that is dedicated to the history of our 40 Governors.
The purpose of the Governors District Alliance, Inc., is to promote development and growth of the Downtown Business District area of Grimes, Iowa, for the common good and general welfare of the community in cooperation with Grimes Chamber & Economic Development.
The organization will be set up using the Main Street approach to increase the social, physical, political and economic values of the Governors District for our community.We will provide a unified approach to using community development, historic preservation, promotion, education and economic development to improve the Governors District.The Governors District will serve as an historic link to Iowa's past and as a fun, shopping district in the present and future. The integrity of individual properties will be protected and appreciated. Consistent and professional promotion of the district's variety of unique shops will enhance its small town feel.
Businesses will be more successful ...
and will profit from increased customer traffic and from shoppers desire to buy local. The Governors District will be known as a desirable place for everybody to live, work, shop and be entertained.
The Governors District would not be possible without the cooperation of Grimes Chamber and Economic Development